Thursday, May 13, 2010

Game Remakes: Worth the Effort?

We've seen game remakes and ports since the Golden Age of the Arcade, in which people wanted to play their favorite arcade games like Zaxxon, Venture, and even Dragon's Lair right at the comfort of their own home to not have to shell out all of their quarters. They were popular since the arcade version of those games. However, the Video Game Crash of 1983 occured during the Atari 2600 verison of Pac-Man and made people question video games and hype. However, remakes and such have changed purpose throughout the years. At first, they were made to play the games that were there at the time, but that is nearly non-existant nowadays. There have been Wii games, though, that have arcade ports from the modern age. Nowadays, it seems to have two purposes. The first purpose would be to remind older gamers and retro fans of the better days and nostalgia. The second, in my opinion, is to show
gamers about the better days. Now, the question is if it is worth the effort. Being an old school gamer,

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